Stock Information


Stock Information​

AZ9 Price Chart and Data
AZ9 Price Chart and Data

Company Information

Category Data
Company Name Asian Battery Metals PLC
Ticker Symbol AZ9
Sector Energy

Shareholder and Depository Interest Holder Information

Listing Information

Asian Battery Metals PLC is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX:AZ9)

Asian Battery Metals PLC ordinary shares (Shares) held in the form of Chess Depository Interests (CDIs) are quoted on the ASX.

Share and Depository Interest Registries

Asian Battery Metals PLC’s share registry in Australia (branch register for Chess Depository Interest holders) is Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd (Computershare Australia).

In the UK, for members holding Shares in either certificated or uncertificated form (that is through CREST), Asian Battery Metals PLC’s registry is Computershare Investor Services PLC (Computershare UK).

Each Computershare company provides online access for individuals to view all their individual holdings where that Computershare company acts as registry via their Investor Centre portal – refer below for the website addresses.

Computershare Australia also has a dedicated Easy Update website for Asian Battery Metals PLC shareholders to view and update their holding details.

Australian Registry (ASX) – Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited

Email Enquiries:     [email protected]
Street Address:     Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia, 6000
Easy update:

Telephone Enquiries:    1300 850 505 (within Australia)
+61 (0) 3 9415 5000 (outside Australia)

Facsimile:  1800 783 447 (within Australia)
+61 (0) 8 9473 2555 (outside Australia)

UK Registry (Certificated and CREST) – Computershare Investor Services PLC

Street Address:                The Pavilions, Bridgewater Road, Bristol BS99 6ZZ, United Kingdom
Telephone Enquiries: +44 (0)370 702 0000

Receiving documents

Asian Battery Metals PLC encourages all shareholders to receive documents electronically. Receiving documents in this manner is quicker and more secure than in physical form and has less impact on the environment. To receive documents electronically, CDI holders should access Computershare Australia’s Easy Update website and follow the prompts (or visit Computershare Australia’s Investor Centre, refer above).  Certificated and CREST (uncertificated) shareholders should access Computershare UK’s Investor Centre website to update their email contact details.

Shareholders’ right to receive documents 

Shareholders have the right to elect whether and how they would like to receive certain documents, such as Annual Reports and Notices of Meeting, as follows:

  • shareholders can make a standing election to receive any or all the documents in physical or electronic form;
  • shareholders can make a one-off request to receive any or all the documents in physical or electronic form; and
  • shareholders can elect not to be sent the Annual Report.

Elections and requests must be made by notifying Asian Battery Metals PLC. The simplest way to do this is to go to Computershare Australia’s Easy Update website and follow the prompts. Alternatively, notification can also be made through Computershare UK’s Investor Centre (per website above).

Unless stated otherwise, the documents in respect of which elections and requests can be made include:

  • documents relating to a meeting of members, such as notices of meeting and proxy forms;
  • the Annual Report (comprising the annual financial report, directors’ report, and auditor’s report);
  • a notice of members’ rights under section 110K of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act), unless the notice is made available on European Metals’ website; and
  • any other documents prescribed by relevant regulations.

The above information constitutes Asian Battery Metals PLC’s notice pursuant to section 110K of the Corporations Act.

Investor Relations Contacts

Phil Rundell
Company Secretary
Tel: +61 (0) 8 9463 2463
Email: [email protected]