Oval Ni-Cu-PGE (Yambat)


Oval Ni-Cu-PGE (Yambat) project, 100% owned by Asian Battery Minerals is located about 25 km west of the capital of Gobi Altai Aimag, Altai, and is immediately north of the asphalt highway linking Altai and Khovd. The property is accessed by just less than 1100 km of asphalt highway from Ulaanbaatar.
The Oval project is highly prospective given the geologic characteristics. Indicative Age of Permian which corresponds with rich magmatic activity of Ni-Cu-PGE in the CAOB. There is no defined magmatic copper-nickel-PGE metallogenic belt in Mongolia, however numerous deposits of this type occur in adjacent portions of China and eastern Kazakhstan.

Geology and exploration works:

  • Yambat property lies within the Dariv Terrane, an east-west trending uplifted block of metamorphic rock of uncertain tectonic affinity situated between the Zavkhan cratonal terrane to the north and the Lake island arc terrane to the south.
  • The geology of the Yambat region consists of greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks of Archean to Late Proterozoic age cut by Paleozoic intrusions, exposed in mountain ranges adjacent to Mesozoic Cenozoic sedimentary basins along the Valley of Lakes.
  • Oval target, is characterized by a distinct spotted hornfels metamorphic contact aureole, a strong coincident magnetic anomaly, a small gossan with highly elevated copper-nickel-gold-platinum group element values, sporadic but widespread copper-stained float adjacent to the inner perimeter of the spotted hornfels, and distinct and strong geochemical anomalies in both stream sediment and soil samples.
  • Laboratory analysis of grab samples showed nickel contents ranging from about 0.2% to 1.9%, copper from about 0.3% to over 2.0%, and combined gold-platinum-palladium contents up to 3.1 g/t.
  • Scout drilling confirmed the presence of gabbroic rock over the strike length of the Oval Target

Mineralization and result:

  • Mineralisation appears to be similar to reported grades for analogous deposits within the CAOB, with heavily disseminated to net-textured mineralisation ranging from 0.3% to 0.6% Cu and 0.3% to 0.8% Ni with 0.1-0.4ppm combined Au and PGE, and with massive sulphide mineralisation grade ranges of 0.6% to 1.0% Cu, 0.8% to 2.0% Ni, and 0.2-0.8ppm combined Au and PGE.
  • Identified 30 targets within the Yambat property, classifying them with a matrix combining geology, geochemistry, geophysics, and remote sensing to arrive at a list of 18 formal targets.
  • Additional targets have been identified in both directions along strike from the Oval Target, providing potential increase in the scope of mineralisation by up to perhaps three times what is outlined as an Expploration Target.
  • Exploration Target ranges for the near-surface (drilled) portions of the Oval Target is 1.3Mt to 6.5Mt for a 10-15 m thick, 450 m long, and 100 m tall zone of disseminated, net-textured, and localized massive sulphide mineralisation, at average grades of 0.2% to 1.2% Cu, 0.2% to 0.6% Ni, and 0.1 to 0.6ppmcombined Au+Pt+Pd.

Gossan area (Oval)

Oval - Gallery: