Asian Battery Minerals Ltd managing director Gan-Ochir Zunduisuren joins Proactive’s Elisha Newell to discuss the company’s imminent ASX listing and vision for Mongolian battery minerals. The junior exploration company is based in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, where it’s exploring for economically viable deposits of critical minerals such as graphite, lithium and nickel-copper-platinum group elements (PGE). ABM’s primary focus is the Oval nickel-copper-PGE project, a magmatic mafic sulphide asset which was discovered last year. Zunduisuren heralds the project as strategically important due to its proximity to several large metal deposits in China, which enhances its economic potential. The managing director also highlighted that the western part of Mongolia remains largely unexplored for this type of deposit. #AsianBatteryMinerals, #ABM, #MineralExploration, #Mongolia, #Graphite, #Lithium, #NiCuPGE, #OvalProject, #China, #MetalDeposits, #XplorProgram, #MiningIndustry #invest #investing #investment #investor #stockmarket #stocks #stock #stockmarketnews

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